A normal call from a renter generally deals with these issues:
- Since we rented this place, me or my family, or my children have been sick.
- The owners or property management won’t do anything about it.
- There is a black or green mold looking substance around my shower or windows
What Do I Do?
By department of housing universal standards, a renter of any residents has the understood right to expect a “ SAFE & HEALTHFUL LIVING ENVIRONMENT”
Unfortunately, there are many property renting individuals or companies that do not exhibit reasonable concern for their tenants wellbeing. On the reverse side, there are individuals that rent who are regularly requesting unreasonable services to be provided by the ownership.
The problem for the well meaning renters who have health concerns relating from the place they live, is that they feel powerless.
The ONLY way to prove out if your living indoor environment has a mold problem that may affect a person’s health is to test for it.
MoldMasters test sampling services ALWAYS include: A.I.H.A Certified results analysis documentation reports. These reports provide suitable and invaluable information beneficial for medical, insurance and litigation purposes.
The cost for having test sampling services performed, are more reasonable than you might expect. Call MoldMasters now for Fast & Affordable results.
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